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Friday, October 22, 2010

Enrichment Material

Materi Pendalaman



Disusun oleh:

Dra. Binti Mukaromah, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Harjanto, M.Pd.
Andi Winanto,S.Pd
Ike Sulistyoningsih,S.Pd




Great gratitude is always praised to The Most Gracious for the blessing given so that we still have a chance to be the faithful followers of His lines.
 Based on the proverb saying ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and the concern on the better preparation to face the Final Examination, we arrange this hand out with a special purpose on  giving more practice for the particular motivated candidates to be more prepared.
This hand out consists of some compilations of exercises taken from National Examination of the previous years and University Selection Tests, completed with little summary of the generic structures of the Genres (Text Types), specific grammar, and Transactionals. It’s aimed to let the users have broader knowledge before doing the exercises given. It, however, will have no any contribution without the users’ motivation .
The writer admits this hand out still has much weakness that’s why constructive suggestion is always welcomed.
 Last but not the least. “No Precious Jewelry Costs Little Money”,-No Satisfactory Result Without Great Effort-. And with a great expectation, this priceless hand out can mean something to the users.

                                                                                               The Writers











Jenjang Pendidikan     : SMA
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris

1. Listening:
Siswa mampu memahami makna teks lisan pendek  berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, percakapan dan monolog sederhana
berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news item) dan deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation)
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari­-

·   Menemukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rici dan tertentu dari teks lisan pendek sedernhana yang berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, percakapan narasi serta deskripsi
·   Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan:
-          berkenalan
-          simpati
-          nasehat
-          keharusan/ketidakharusan
-          suka/tidak suka
-          rasa bangga
-          kemampuan/ketidak mampuan
-          permintaan maaf
-          penawaran jasa/bantuan
-          undangan
-          permintaan/pemberian/penolakan ijin
-          kesenangan/ketidaksenangan
-          ksetujuan/ketidaksetujuan
-          kepuasan/ketidak puasan

2. Speaking:
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan makna teks lisan pendek  berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, percakapan dan monolog sederhana
berbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news item) dan deskrtipsi (report, descriptive, explanation)
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari­-

·   Bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang berbagai hal
·   Melakukan percakapan pendek dengan lancar berdasarkan situasi
·   Secara sederhana menjelaskan benda, orang dan rangkaian peristiwa
·   Secara sederhana mengungkapkan pikiran, perasaan dan sikap
·   Secara sederhana merespon ungkapan-ungkapan: *)

3. Reading:
Siswa mampu memahami nuansa makna teks tetulis seperti  teks fungsional pendek, teks berberbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news item) dan deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan argumentasi (exposition, discussion)
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari­-hari

·   Menemukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rici dan tertentu dari teks tertulis berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, narasi, deskripsi dan argumentasi

4. Writing:
Siswa mampu mengungkapkan nuansa makna teks tetulis seperti  teks fungsional pendek, teks berberbentuk narasi (narrative, recount, news item) dan deskripsi (report, descriptive, explanation) dan argumentasi (exposition, discussion)
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari­-hari

·   Menciptakan teks tertulis berbentuk teks fungsional pendek, narasi, deskripsi dan argumentasi


  • *) Materi ungkapan sama dengan SKL 1 (Listening)
  • SKL 1 dan 3 diujikan secara nasional
  • SKL 2 dan 4 sebagai ujian Praktik

























1. What’s Narrative Text?

2. What’s Review Text?
A review text is a flexible genre which may vary according to the nature of the creative work being worked on, the intended audience, and the aspects of the work considered worth commenting on.
The purpose of a review is to analyse and evaluate some creative work, and to inform people about its strengths and weaknesses.
The basic structure of a review consists of four parts:
Briefly identifies the subject of the review in some interesting way, and generally is linked to the reviewer's name.
2. Identification of the work
The name of the creative work which is the subject of the review.
  • What kind of work it is (movie, novel, research investigation....)
  • Its author(s), Publisher or Producer, and date of production. Not all these details are necessary.
3. Evaluation of the work
The reviewer describes particular aspects of the work, and offers their opinion regarding them, their quality, effectiveness, and so forth.
4. Conclusions/Recommendations
The reviewer summarises their assesment of the value of the work, and makes recommendations regarding how others should regard the work.


3. What’s Discussion Text?

A discussion text is a kind of text to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.
The structure usually consists of:
  • issue (statement and preview).
  • arguments for and against or statement of different points of view (point and elaborations).
  • conclusion or recommendation.
A discussion text focuses on generic human and generic non-human participants                                                                                                                                                                 



4. What’s Explanation Text?

5. What’s report text?
A report text is
  • to provide factual information, natural and non-natural phenomenon under discussion
  • to classify and describe the phenomena of our world
The structures usually used are:
  • Classification
  • Description of features


6. What’s recount text?

A recount text is a kind of text to focus on a sequence of events, all of which relate to a particular occasion
The structure consists of:
  • Orientation
  • Series of Events
  • Re-orientation/ Closure of Event/Personal Comment


7. What’s descriptive text?
A descriptive text is to describe particular person, thing or place.
The structures usually used are:
  • General description
  • Description of features


8. What’s procedure text?
A procedure text is to give instructions, directions of sequenced steps.
The structures usually used are:
  • Title
  • Classification or Definition
  • Description of Features in order of importance
  • List of Materials (optional)
  • Series of steps sequenced in logical order.


10. What’s Spoof text?
A spoof text is a kind of text which retells an event with a humorous twist.
The structures usually used are:
  • Orientation
  • Events
  • Twist


11. What’s Analytical Exposition text?
An analytical exposition text is a kind of text which  persuades the readers that something is in the case.
The structures usually used are:
  • Thesis
  • Argumentationts
  • Reiteration/Conclusion

12. What’s Hortatory Exposition text?







12. What’s Hortatory Exposition text?


A hortatory exposition text is a kind of text which  tells the readers that something should or should not be the case.
The structures usually used are:
  • Thesis
  • Argumentationts
  • Recommendation






1. Active Sentences
a. Simple Sentences


BE-1(is, am, are)




b. Modal Sentences






c. Continuous Sentences


BE-1(is, am, are)



BE-2 (was,were)
d. Perfect Sentences







e. Modal Perfect Sentences







2. Passive Sentences

a. Simple Sentences


BE-1(is, am, are)


b. Modal Sentences




c. Continuous Sentences


BE-1(is, am, are)



BE-2 (was,were)
d. Perfect Sentences





e. Modal Perfect Sentences






B. Causative  “Have/Get”













C. Elliptic

+ , +
- , -



- (S-2 Aux.n’t)



+ (S-2 Aux)


D. Conditional Sentences






Pr. T


F.T (+ , -)




Pr.T. ( - )




P.T. ( - )


E. Subjunctive (Unfulfilled Hope)




Pr. T



+ / -

- / +

·         Phrases/Words Used: wish/would rather, as if/as though, if only


F. Gerund (V-Ing As Noun)

            Functions as:
  -     Subjebt
  -     Object (of Preposition, of V-x)
-           Complement


Name Of Transactional
Expressions Used.....

Giving suggestion

·         I'd like to suggest that ...
·         Why don't you ... ?
·         It sounds like a good suggestion.


  • Do you mind ..., please?
    • No, not at all.


  • This is crazy!
  • You're not alone.
  • I'm glad you bring that up.

Showing capacity or possibility

  • Would there be any possibility of.
  • Do you think we are capable of . .
  • That's one possibility.
  • I think we have that capacity.

Giving advice

  • You're doing too much.
  • You need to set your priorities.
  • You can't be all things to all people.
  • Why don't you ....
  • Why not?
  • Perhaps you could.
  • Have you thought about ... ?
  • I have an idea.


  • It's a good suggestion.
  • Let me tell you this ...
  • Let me just say that ...


  • It serves you right
  • It's your fault.
  • What did you expect?
  • Perhaps that'll teach you.
  • It's my fault, isn't it?
  • Are you accusing me?

  • I'm sorry I'm late.
    • That's O.K. - Never mind.
  • I'm afraid I made a mistake.
    • It doesn't matter.
    • Don't worry about it.


  • I would say that Mr. Rio is very wise.
  • I think it's well grounded.
  • We can speculate that this experiment will succeed.
  • It's worth speculating.


  • Watch out for ... !
  • Don't play here! You might break the window!
  • You must/must not ...
  • Don't...
  • Beware!
  • Beware of ... !
  • Look out!
  • Watch out

Expressing curiosity

  • I wonder if ....

Expressing wish

  • I really wish ....

Persuading someone

  • Why don't you ...?
  • I really think you'd do well to ...
  • Are you really sure you can't/couldn't .
  • Oh, come on!
  • Don't be like that!
  • Just this once!
  • Just for me!
  • Can't I persuade you . ?

Encouraging someone

  • Have a go at it.
  • Take a shot at it.
  • Have/take a crack at it.
  • Come on.
  • It won't hurt you to try it.
  • Everybody's doing it.
  • No pain, no gain.
  • Go on.
  • Get going.
  • Get cracking.
  • Go on, you can do it!

Expressing hope

  • I'd like ...
  • I hope ...
  • I'm hoping (for)
  • Hopefully ...
  • Let's hope (for) ...
  • Keep your fingers crossed.
  • If only ...


  • How could you do such a silly thing?
  • What got into you?
  • When will you ever learn?
  • I hope you are sorry.
  • Are you out of your mind?
  • If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.
  • I can't believe you embarrassed me like that!
  • If that's what you think, you've got another think coming.

Asking someone not to do something

  • You mustn't ... !
  • You can't ... !
  • You oughtn't (really) ...
  • You shouldn't (really) ...
  • You're not meant to ...
  • You're not to ... (usually to children)
  • You're not (really) supposed to ...
  • You'd (really) better not ...
  • I don't really think you should ...
  • I don't think you should go down there.
  • I don't (really) think you ought ...
  • ... is not (really) allowed.
  • (For goodness sake) don't look!
  • Whatever you do, don't ...
  • Stop! Wait! (or other suitable imperative)

Denying something

  • No.
  • No, it isn't, actually.
  • No, that's all wrong.
  • No, you've got ... all wrong.
  • (I'm afraid). .. 's wrong.
  • (I'm afraid) ... is/are not (quite) right.
  • I don't think ... /l didn't think ...
  • I'm not sure you're right about ...
  • Have you got . . ., right? ... isn't right, is it?
  • Sorry...
  • It is not correct to say/to suppose that....
  • I think the information you have must be incorrect.
  • If I may say so, you are mistaken/wrong (there)
  •  I think I should point out ... is not correct/not the case.
  • If I may say so, that is not the case.
  • I really do have to correct you.

Expressing regret

  • I regret to say that ...
  • Regretfully, I must say ...
  • I'm so sorry for ...
  • How could it happen?
  • If I could ...

Expressing a plan

  • I think I'll ...
  • I'm thinking of taking the subject.
  • I'm certainly going to ...
  • I'm going to ..., that's for sure.
  • I'm hoping to ...
  • I thought I might ...
  • I'm not going to ... if I can help it.
  • I'm certainly not going to ...
  • I don't really feel like . . . -ing ...
  • I'm not really planning it.
  • You won't catch me. .. -ing ...
Asking someone to do somethinc politely

  • Would you mind posting the lett for me?
  • I'm sorry, I can't.
  • Can I borrow your pen? - Here you are.
  • Do you mind if I use your calcul
  • Sorry. I'm using it.
  • Help yourself.

Materi Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris

SMAN 1 Talun
Text Box: Sesion 1


Hotel Cannero
28051 Cannero Riviera, Italy

Waiters / Waitresses(2), Swimming Pool Attendants, Bar Staff.
Around $ 150 per week. 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free board and accomodation. Knowledge of German, Italian or French required. Period of work 3 or 6 months between end of March and end of October. Applicants should be fit and healthy, organized and clean. Applications from 25 March to the end and send to:

Maria Carla at the above address.
1. What is the text about?

a.       A week tour to Italy.
b.      A job vacancy in Hotel Cannero.
c.       Three day tour to Eropean countries.
d.      A healthy and clean environment.
e.       The description on Cannero Riviera.

2. Who is the addressee of this advertisement?

a.       All who are fit and healthy.
b.      Those who can serve foreigners.
c.       All who meet the requirements mentioned.
d.      The educated people who can handle service jobs.
e.       Those who can speak two foreign languages.

3. Those who are accepted to work for the hotel ....

a.       are mostly Italians
b.      will get accommodation
c.       are under the control of Maria Carla
d.      will take control of each department
e.       will start working between March and October

Donald’s s New Hat

One day, Daisy decided to buy Donald a new hat. “Your new hat is out of fashion.’” She said,
"Come on, I'll buy a new one."
Donald knew that Daisy was right so she agreed to go to at shop. As she went in, Daisy took off his old hat, "Hey, what’s going on?" asked Donald.
"I'm taking off your old hat, because it's so ugly. We don't want the assistant to see you wearing it do we?” said Daisy. Donald just said, "Errr… I mean, you're right, we don't."
In fact, Donald was very fond of his old hat, although he didn’t mind getting a new one if Daisy paid for it. The trouble was, there wasn’t any hat in shop that Donald liked. He tried many hats, but he felt that all the hats looked silly on him.
The shop assistant was getting tired of serving Donald but he took another hat and showed it to him. "What about this one, sir? I am sure you like it.”
"I quite agree!" said Donald happily. Do you know why? Because the hat looked exactly the same as his old one' Poor Daisy, she wasn't very happy, but she had to pay for the hat. She promised she would buy a new hat for Donald, didn't she?

4. What was the reason for Donald to go to the hat shop?

  1. His hat was ugly.
b.      He needed a new hat.
c.       His hat was out of fashion.
  1. Daisy would pay for the new hat.
  2. He looked silly wearing his old hat.

5. Which is TRUE about Donald according to the text?

  1. Donald liked being silly with his new hat.
  2. Donald did not like his old fashioned hat.
  3. Donald asked Daisy to buy him a new hat.
  4. Donald was very angry with the shop assistant.
e.       Donald chose ahat that looked exactly the same as the old one.

6. Why was Daisy not happy?

  1. Because Donald did not want a new hat
b.      Because she had to pay for a hat she didn’t like
  1. Because the shop assistant showed Donald an old hat.
  2. Because Donald didn’t want Daisy to pay for the hat.
  3. Because the shop assistant showed her an out of fashion hat.

7. What is the main idea of the passage?

a.       Daisy liked Donald's old hat.
b.      Daisy liked Donald's new hat.
c.       Donald wanted to change his old hat.
d.      Daisy wanted to buy Donald a new hat.
e.       Donald asked Daisy to buy him a new hat.


The Lion and The Mouse
Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
"Pardon, 0 King," cried the little mouse "forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days?" The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go.
One day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who wanted to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished gnawing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

8. What is the moral lesson from the text?

a.       Don't look at someone because of his clothes.
b.      It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
c.       Common people may prove great ones.
d.      United we stand, divided we fall.
e.       Honesty begins at home.

9. Paragraph three mainly tells that ....

a.       the little mouse asked for forgiveness
b.      the hunters carried the lion alive to the king
c.       the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
d.      the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion
e.       from the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

10. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

a.       He would never forget the lion,
b.      He tried hard to help the lion free.
c.       He ran up and down upon the lion.
d.      He asked for apology to the king of the beast.
e.       He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him.


The Jakarta Post, a leading English-language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter.
The following qualifications are required:
1. Indonesian citizen
2. university degree
3. good understanding of English, TOEFL score of at least 550
4. able to operate a computer
5. not more than 26 years old
6. pleasing personality, highly motivated and dynamic
7. willing to take a series of tests
Please send an application letter in English, a copy of current curriculum vitae, a photocopy of identification card, a photocopy of diploma, a photocopy of TOEFL score, a sample of writing in English, and a recent passport-sized photograph, to

Human Resources Manager
The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX Palmerah, Jakarta, XYUOI.

Application should reach us before May 15, 2007

11.  Under what heading is this text likely found`?

a.       Housing.
b.      Education.
c.       Furniture.
d.      Job vacancy,
e.       Travel agency.

12. The Jakarta Post is looking for a person who is qualified in

a.       teaching English
b.      writing news reports
c.       making a series of tests
d.      leading a daily newspaper
e.       being a human resource manager

13. The Jakarta Post, a leading English-language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter.
The underlined word means ....
a.       hires
b.      finds
c.       needs
d.      looks
e.       employs


Town ‘Contaminated’
Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered  up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.


14. Where does the ‘accident’ exactly take place?

a.       Skhotovo
b.      Vladivostock
c.       Chernobyl
d.      Moscow
e.       Soviet Union

15. Why was the explosion considered to be the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy? Because…..

a.       it occurred 13 months before the chernobyl
b.      it was covered up by officials of the soviet union
c.       it exploded in reactor of the victor-class submarine
d.      it removed more than 600 tones of contaminated material
e.       it killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town

16. The word ‘catastrophe’ underlined (p. 1) means…..

a.                               loss
b.                              explosion
c.                               radiation
d.                              disaster
e.                               accident

17. Several hotels in this region are closing down’.
      That's because tourism itself...............since last year.'

a.       is declining
b.      had declined
c.       declined
d.      was declining
e.       has been declining

18. 'Don't you think the bus driver is speeding ?'
'Yes, I'm afraid he.......the lives of the   passengers.'

a.       endangered
b.      will endanger
c.       would have endangered
d.      endangers
e.       would endanger

19. `While living in Bogor, we always went to school on foot.'
      This means that we............ on foot while we were living in Bogor.

a.       go to school
b.      are going to school
c.       used to go to school
d.      are used to going to school
e.       liked going to school

20. `Can I see you tomorrow to talk about the seminar?'
      `All right, come at 10 o'clock, and I teaching by then.'

  1. will have finished
  2. have finished
  3. am finishing
  4. will be finishing
  5. will have been finishing

21.  I........ all over the place for my dictionary when I suddenly remembered that my sister had  borrowed.

a.       had looked
b.      was looking
c.       looked
d.      am looking
e.       have been looking

22. Ridwan     : When are the children going to see the rice-field?
      Willy         : In June, after the harvest time.
      Ridwan     : Are they ? So, by the time they get there, the farmers........ all the crops.

  1. harvest
  2.  harvested
  3. has harvested
  4. had harvested
  5. will have harvested

23. 'When are you going to tell your sister the good news'?' 
      ' When she........from her business trip.'

a.       will be returning
b.      is going to return
c.       returns
  1. was returning
a.       had returned

24. 'As I was jogging a man stopped me and asked for the time.'
The above sentence means

a.       I was jogging when the man asked for the time
b.      a man asked for the time after I finished jogging
c.       while the man and I were jogging, he asked me for the time
d.      when a man was-jogging, I asked him for the time
e.       a man asked me for the time when I was about to start ,jogging

25. Hari started learning to play chess when he was only five years old and won his first  national chess competition when he was ten. This means that Hari ........ to play chess very well by the time he has was 10 years old.

a.       had learned
b.      was learning
c.       will have learned
d.      would learn
e.       has learned

26. ‘Ayu has decided her plan to go to Europe.’
       Has she? She told me she.........for a visa to France.’

  1. applied
  2. has applied
  3. applies
  4. had applied
  5. is applying

27  Vina          : When did yoy get the letter?’
      Vani          : ‘Yesterday, My family.........when the postman arrived.’

  1. will have lunch
  2. were having lunch
  3. will have had lunch
  4. have been having lunch
  5. have lunch

28. 'Can we postpone the class meeting until Friday?*
      'I'm afraid not. on Friday.'

a.       would play
b.      will have been playing
c.       have been playing
d.      always play
  1. played

29. Because the allocated time is not enough to finish this project, we are still working on   it now. As a matter of fact we........... on it for four days.

a.       are working
b.      work
c.       have been working
d.      worked
e.       had worked

30. "Have you already decided where to go for your holidays?"
     "Certainly, we....... to Italy."

a.       go
b.      have gone
c.       will have gone
d.      are going
e.       will have been going

31. Harry         : We received a large donation from individual donors and bequests.
Irma           : I hope you distribute the money as soon as possible.
Harry         : Don't worry. We......all the money by the end of this month.

a.       distribute
b.      will distributed
c.       have distributed
d.      will have distributed
e.       will have been distributed

32. Lia          : When did you start teaching?
Julia        : In 2000. So, I........ for 8 years by the end of 2008

  1. have taught
  2. have been teaching
  3. will ate teaching
  4. will have taught

  1. will have been teaching



33. Jefri           : I have two tickets for the concert. Would you like to come with me?

Jono           :  I’d love to but I have a lot of homework.
The underlined expression means that Jono........

a.       accepts Jefri’s invitation

b.      refuses Jefri’s invitation

c.       is going to come with Jefri

d.      is going to see the concert

e.       disagrees with Jefri’s opinion

34. Abu     : Excuse me, is there a chance for me to have my saving book now?

      Abi       : Oh, I’m sorry. You can’t have it now.
The underlined sentence expresses……..

a.       impossibility

b.      uncertainty

c.       inability

d.      displeasure

e.       dissatisfaction

Materi Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris

SMAN 1 Talun

Text Box: Sesion 2

Once upon a time there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use the arrow to good advantage. The bear would call over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his. bow and arrows and came with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear's anger by refusing consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family Indeed, he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves, and packed all they could carry home. The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. Poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. The mother bear, knowing that her youngest child was very hearty eater, always gave him an extra large piece of meat, but the youngest child didn't eat. He would take it outside with him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit's house, and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick, that it would fly into the rabbit's house and in this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

1. The poor rabbit didn't taste any of the meat because ....

a.       they are already given to the butcher
b.      they are eaten by the youngest bear
c.       the bear carried all the meat home
d.      they are already dried up
e.       the bear ate all the meat

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a.       The papa bear was not very kind to the rabbit.
b.      The rabbit got nothing from his shooting.
c.       The mother bear always gives her youngest extra meat. '
d.      The papa bear didn't like giving the rabbit some meat.
e.       The papa bear knew that his youngest child gave the rabbit some meat.

3. The story teaches us that ....

a.       poverty makes people suffer
b.      we must keep our promise
c.       being greedy makes other people happy
d.      people should love each other
e.       we must keep our relationship with others


Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes. They live in family groups in the thickest parts of the jungles.
A gorilla's feet, hands, and wrinkled face are bare and black. His fur may be short or long, depending on where he lives.
The short-haired gorilla lives in the hot, damp, tropical forests of western Africa, and the long-haired gorilla lives in the cooler air in the high mountains of central Africa.
A gorilla's arms are so long; they almost touch the ground, even when he is standing up!
Some wild mountain gorillas weigh as much as you, your father, and your mother all weigh together.
At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground. But the mother and the baby gorillas sleet in a big nest of stick and leaves on the ground, or in .he lower branches of trees, where they are safer from prowling animals.

4. The text mainly tells about …..

a.       father gorilla
b.      a gorilla's life
c.       kinds of gorilla
d.      gorillas in brief
e.       the origin of gorilla

5. The ... of the gorillas affects the length of the gorilla’s fur.

a.       size
b.      food
c.       habit
d.      weight
e.       habitat

6. The following parts of a gorilla are not covered by fur, EXCEPT....

  1. The chin
  2. The nose
  3. The arms
  4. The feet
  5. The hands

7. What does the underlined word mean?

  1. Rude
  2. Strong
  3. Cruel.
  4. Clumsy
  5. Rough


World War II was the most widespread and the most destructive war in history. It lasted from 1939 to 1945 and eventually involved all the great powers and most of the smaller nations of the world. Even the countries that remained neutral felt the war's impact. The chief antagonists were Germany, Italy, and Japan (known as the Axis powers) on one side and the the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, France, and China (known as the Allies) on the other. The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to north Africa and from the island of the Pacific to eastern and southern.

8.  Which statement serves the main idea of the text?

a.             World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945.
b.            The countries that remained neutral felt the war's impact.
c.             The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to north Africa.
d.            World War II was the most widespread and destructive war in history.
e.             World War II involved all the great powers and most of the smaller nations of the world.

9.  Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a.    World War II ended in 1939.
b.      China belonged to the Axis Powers.
c.       The Allies consisted of three countries.
d.      Great Britain remained neutral in World War II.
e.       The antagonist countries consisted of three countries.

10.  "Even the countries that remain neutral felt the war's impact." (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be replaced by ....

a.       effect
b.      cause
c.       result
d.      reason
e.       sequence

11.  How long did World War II last?

a. 3 years.
b.4 years.
c. 5 years.
d.      6 years.
e. 10 years.

                                       ESTATE AUCTION
An auction for the estate of Raul Diega. will be held on:
Saturday, October 3, at 11.00 A.M.
(Preview starts at 10:00 A.M.)
Location: 5667 North Hedge Lane

Question? Please call Estate Planners at 778-0099 between noon and 5 P.M.



Some of the items to be auctioned:
·   2004 Mercedes
·   China and crystal
·   Oriental rugs
·   Jewelry
·   Stamp collection

12.  What event is written in the advertisement?

a.    A store opening.
b.      A fund-raiser.
c.       A meeting.
d.      A  show.
e.       A sale.

13.  ‘Some of the items to be auctioned: 2004 mercedes, China Crystal, Oriental rugs..
      The underlined word mens..........

  1. west
  2. east
  3. north
  4. south
  5. south east

The market is called a floating market because the trade takes place on boats, in Indonesia they are called klotok and jukung. This market has existed for over 400 years. In the past, people from inland areas brought their agricultural produce or handicrafts to sell. They bartered with people from the coastal areas. Nowadays people can buy things such as fruit, vegetables, traditional cakes and even clothes from this pasar terapung. Another unique feature of these markets is the time of trading. It begins around 5 a.m. and finishes at 9 a.m.


14. The paragraph mainly talks about ........

a.       handicrafts

b.      cakes and cuisine

c.       floating markets

d.      agriculture produce

e.       unique features of the markets

15. They bartered with people from the coastal areas. The underlined word  means……

a.       sold something for money

b.      exchanged goods for other goods

c.       sold their belongings to buy something

d.      bought something by using money

e.       tried to buy something without money

Retailing is selling goods or merchandise usually in small quantities. They are sold to the public for their own use, not to other producers or firms for resale. It is the final step in bringing goods to consumers on trading. Retailing is not only selling goods but also offering services such as renting tools for home use or renting cars for immediate purposes. The retail sector is important as it serves or sells goods to consumers directly.
Tradesmen who sell goods by retail are called retailers. They know consumer's needs well because they are in a day-to-day contact with them. They may sell their goods in cash or on credit. One who wants to buy a car must go to a showroom where cars are displayed. He negotiates with the dealer what kind of purchasing they will make. A dealer is a retailer. To attract consumers retailers sometimes help promote the producers' goods. An advertisement is likely to be the most effective.
16.The first paragraph describes that retailing is ....

a.       selling goods to other producers
b.      selling goods in small quantities
c.       not renting tools for home use
d.    selling goods to other firms
e.       not offering services

17. The retailers know the consumers' need because ...

a.       they sell goods every day.
b.      they meet on a daily basis.
c.       they produce some varieties of goods.
d.      they prepare a lot of varieties of goods.
e.       they let the consumers buy things on credit.

18. The text mentions ... as a promotion strategy to attract customers to buy goods and services.

a.       resale
b.      trading
c.       retailing
d.      whole-sale
e.       advertisement

19. "It is the final step in bringing goods to ...." (Paragraph 1) The word "it" refers to ....

a.       servicing
b.      retailing
c.       resaling
d.      trading
e.       selling

20. Had l realized that Tim was a bad driver. I.......... my car

a.       would not lend him
  1. did not lend him
  2. will not lend him
  3. had not lent him
  4. would not have lent him

21. The man hit by a car yesterday would have died if the doctors had not immediately operated on him.
       From the above sentence. we may conclude that

  1. the man will be immediately operated on
  2. the man is still alive
  3. it's too late to save the man
  4. the man died afict• the operation
  5. the doctors did not operate on him

22. Hamid has won a medal for swimming. I wish I....... as good as he is.

  1. were
  2. should he
  3. will he
  4. am
  5. can be

23. Hendra : Hallo Dewi ?
Dewi    : Hi !
Hendra : Who is there under the Akasia tree ?
Dewi    : You mean the girl ………is wearing the white and grey uniforms ?
Hendra : Yes. That’s right.
Dewi    : I know her well. Her name is Miss Asih.

  1. Who        
  2. Whom        
  3. Whose         
  4. Which         
  5. What

24. Ana       :  Can you help me?
      Yoga     :  What can I do for you
      Ana      :  Please give this letter for that boy.
      Yoga     :  There are three boys over there. Which one of them?
      Ana       :  The tallest boy.… is short.

a.       who
b.      whose
c.       whom
d.      of whom
e.       which

25. Ningsih   : How was Ratna’s birthday party yesterday? 
      Tutik       : Wonderful. The hall.----------beautifully.

a.       is decorated   
b.      was decorated  
c.       will be decorated 
d.      has been decorate.
 e.  is being decorated

26. Mother      :  Why did you get home on foot, Dad?
Father        :  Because my motorcycle broken down.  I ……..Mr. Arif to repair my   motorcycle in his workshop.

a.       get     
b.      have   
c.       will get    
d.      will have    
e.       give

27. Father          :  Our new housemaid is lazy, dear.
      Mother        :  Is it right?
      Father          :  Yes, it is. Look at the table. The breakfast is not ready yet.
      Mother        :  OK, I will have--------early next time.

a.       get up    
b.      would get up 
c.       got up  
d.      will have get up
e.       will get up 

28. Anton        :  Could you tell me why Sarmila was absent?
      Herman     :  Sure! She was sick at the hospital.……...she got an accident last week.

a.       since  
b.      although
c.       because 
d.      just
e.       and       

A         : We should appreciate R.A. Kartini for her liberating women from the old tradition.
B          : Yes, if she had not struggled for women emancipation, Indonesian women would not have had a chance to further their study
29. What are the speakers talking about?

a.       Indonesian tradition.
b.      The chance of studying.
c.       The struggle of Indonesian women.
d.      Women emancipation in Indonesia.
e.       Kartini's contribution to women emancipation

Taufiq               : Professor!
Prof Rahman     : Yes?
Taufiq               : Excuse me. Do you mind if I interrupt you?
Prof Rahman     : No, no. It's quite all right.
Taufiq               : If you don't mind, I'd like you to give us examples of what you're just told us.
30.  Where does the dialogue possibly take place?

a.       In the school yard.
b.      In the classroom.
c.       In the library.
d.      In the garden.
e.       At home.

31.  Susan : Retno, this is my brother Rian.
Retno : Hello! Nice to meet you.
Rian   : ….., too.

a.       How are you
b.      That’s very nice
c.       Nice to meet you
d.      It’s very nice
e.       Thanks for coming

32.  Mother    : Where do you keep your medicine, Dear?
Daughter : On the table, mom.
Mother    : You should put it in a safe place.
The underlined sentence expresses………

a.       advice
b.      disagreement
c.       impossibility
d.      uncertainty
e.       dissatisfaction

33.  Father  : How is your final exam, Anto?
Anto    : I passed with flying colours. I got an A for the test.
Father  : I’m proud of you.
The underlined sentence means that Anto’s father expresses his……..

a.       certainty
b.      pride
c.       pleasure
d.      surprise
e.       satisfaction

34. Susan   : Pretty, I’ve got good news for you. Peter, the crazy guy, has got the    manager’s sales job.
Pretty   : What!?
What does Pretty’s expression mean?

a.       a question
b.      a boredom
c.       a disappointment
d.      a pleasure
e.       a surprise


Materi Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris

SMAN 1 Talun

Text Box: Sesion 3



Pay attention
Our school will have a Debate Competition
Participants:  all students in our school
It will be held from 10th – 12th 2008
Prices: I    Rp. 2.000.000,-
            II  Rp. 1.500.000,-
            III Rp. 1.000.000,-

Please join us!

1.  What is the announcement about'

a.       A school debate.
b.      A school competition.
  1. A debate competition.
  2. Extracurricular activities.
  3. Participants of the debate

2.  According to the text the competition ...

  1. is only for students with good English.
  2. is in the form of spoken arguments.
  3. is in the form of written arguments.
  4. will be held after school hours
  5. will run for two days


: There's the shoe store we've been looking for.
 It's just across the street.
: Wait! You can't cross the street in the middle of the block! You have to    cross at corner.


: Oh, come on. Let's go across here.
: Watch out! You nearly got hit by that car!

3. What are the two girls looking for?

a.       Their car
b.      A cross-road
c.       A shoe store
d.      A block of stores
e.       A zebra crossing

The Incas used to be a large empire of 990 000 km2 in Peru of South America. Their city was high up in the Andes Mountains. They were well-known for their great wealth, especially gold. This great empire was unfortunately destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards who were searching for their famed gold. Although this empire existed way back in 1493, it was not backward but complex and well-organized.
The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. He owned everything in the empire - the land, soil, gold and even the people. The people, therefore, had no freedom.
Boys and girls were to live a life of obedience and tradition. They began working in their ayllu or family groups. The rule was Ama sua, ama llulla, ama shekllay which means, "Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy."
Despite this difficult way of life, the Incas were very skilful. They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs. Their buildings were made from huge stones. These were cut to fit perfectly together so that no mortar was needed. Their rope bridges were so strong that even a horse could gallop across them!
The Incas had no written language. Information was recorded on knotted strings called quipus. These were also used as calculators. Strong and healthy young boys were chosen as
chasquis or couriers to carry messages from one place to another.

4. The text mainly tell about....

a.       chasquis
b.      the Incas
c.       Sapa Inca
d.      Spaniards
e.       the Andes

5. "They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs." (Paragraph 4) The underlined word has the same meaning as  

a.    grew
b.      bore
c.       built
d.      existed
e.       renovated

6. How was the empire destroyed?

a.       The empire was destroyed by huge stones.
b.      It was destroyed by well-organized ayllu.
c.       The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca.
d.      It was reconstructed by systems.
e.       It was attacked by the Spaniards

7. What did they use to calculate?

Dear Rossa,
I am a guy, 28 years old. I have a problem with a girl friend. She is 25 years old. We have been dating each other for years, since we were high school students. Now we have jobs. I fell very sure that we love each other. Now it is time for me to get married. Unfortunately, her parents never approve of our relationship ever since the very first time. My family, anyhow, does not really mind. At first I thought my girl friend  had the power to defend our love . But then she surrendered. She loves me and she loves her family, too. On the one hand she said, “I’ll be happy if my family is happy.” It means she had to get approval from her parents.
For this I was shocked. My heart was broken. She ended our relationship just at the time when I was ready to marry her. When I was with her, we were very happy. We had a lot in common and there were no conflicts. The truth was, we separated only because of her parents. They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt’s son (this is one of the tradition of the Karonese)
For the time I am very upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat together, talk together for hours. We act like dating because she loves me, too. The real problem is, she cannot refuse what her parents want.
So, should I forget my girl friend, the only one that I truly love? Or else, should I just wait, and dream that one day she will be back to me?
Rio N., Padang

Dear Rio,
            You call her your girl friend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I can say that there is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal life.
Hopefully you can find another and live happly forever.
8. Which of the following sentences is true according to the text?

a.       Rio is not ready to get married
b.      Rio’s parents disagree to his marriage
c.       Rio and his girl friend often got conflicts
d.      Rio’s girl friend didn’t really love Rio
e.       Rio’s girl friend couldn’t defend her love for Rio

9. Why do the girl’s parents disapprove of their marriage?

a.       they don’t like Rio
b.      the girl is still studying
c.       Rio is from different ethnic group
d.      The keep the Karonese tradition
e.       He girl has chosen another guy

10. Rio cannot forget his girl friend because……

a.       she is very pretty
b.      she is very faithful
c.       she is his true love
d.      she is his first love
e.       she is his last love


Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents had died.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn't have money to take Snow White with them.
Snow White didn't want her uncle and aunt to do this so she decided to run away. The next day she ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered. So, she went inside and fell asleep.
Meanwhile the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. Doe, one of the dwarfs asked: "What is your name?" Snow White answered, " My name is Snow White."
The dwarf said, "If you wish, you may live here with us." Snow White said, "Oh, could I? Thank you." Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story about her. Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
11.  Snow White ran from home ....

a.       at noon
b.      at midday
c.       at midnight
d.      in the evening
e.       in the morning

12.  The third paragraph describes in detail ....

a.       where Snow White's aunt and uncle had breakfast.
b.      whom Snow White met in the woods.
c.       what Snow White did after hearing her uncle's plan,
d.      how Snow White went into the cottage.
e.       with whom Snow White ran away into the woods.

13.  The dwarf said, "If you wish, you may live herewith us."
What did the dwarf mean with the wards underlined?

a.       He asked Snow White for a permission to stay with her.
b.      He offered Snow White to stay with them.
c.       He showed his interest in Snow White.
d.      He agreed to stay with Snow White.
e.       He wishes to stay with Snow White.


Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was like the rest of East Germany - drab and depressed. Today it is a different story. There are over 40 major construction projects underway and investments in new construction are expected to exceed $20 billion, Part of this boom can be attributed to the fact that the national government of Germany will move to Berlin. 'The city will once again be Germany's leading city and a gateway to the expanding markets in Poland, Czech Republic, and other countries east of the German border.

14. How was East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin wall?

a.       Beautiful and nice,
b.      Modem and interesting.
c.       Leading and expanding.
d.      Sophisticated and good.
e.       Dull and uninteresting.

15. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text'?
a.       The government of Germany has been moved to Berlin.
b.      East Berlin has changed after the collapse of the Berlin wall.
c.       East Berlin is like the rest of Germany - a drab and depressed city.
  1. Before the fall of the Berlin wall, East Berlin was the centre of Germany,
  2. There are not more than 40 major construction projects in East Berlin.
16. What changes happen to East Berlin after the fall of the Berlin wall?

a.       It's developing to become a leading, city of Germany.
b.      It will become one of the richest cities in Germany.
c.       It's now the center of the country's government.
d.      It will be the biggest city in the world.
e.       It has become a state city.

17. ... investments in new construction are expected to exceed $ 20 billion". The underlined word is close in meaning to ....

a.      known
b.      predicted
c.       calculated
d.      completed
e.       expanded


Scientists have discovered the bones of what may be the largest meat-eating dinosaur ever to walk on the earth. The discovery was made by a team of researehers from Argentine and North America in Pentagonia, a desert on the eastern slopes of the Andes in South America. Besides the interesting fact that the dinosaur was huge and horrifying, it is even more, biggest meat-eaters lived as loners and instead indicates that they may have lived and hunted in packs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex lived in North Amcrica and was believed to hunt and live alone.
The newly discovered meat-eater appears to he relate to the Giganutosaurus family, being as closely related to it as a fox would be to a dog. It is actully not of the same family at all as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, being as different from it as a cat is from a dog.
The fossilized remains indicate that the animals lived about 100 million years ago. With needle-shaped noses and razor sharp teeth, they were larger than the Tyranosaurus Rex. although their legs were slightly shorter. and their jaws were designed to be better able to cut the body of their prey into pieces quickly and precisely.

18. The main information of the text is about.......

  1. the discovery made in Pentagonia
  2. the researeh on dinosaurs
  3. the bones of dinosaurs
  4. the types of dinosaurs
  5. the meat-eating dinosaur

19. The researehers found the bones of a new type of dinosaur in

a.       Argentina
  1. North America
  2. East Pentagonia
  3. The Andes Forests
  4. South America

20. Which of the following is true about the newly discovered dinosaurs?

  1. They are called Tyrannosaurus Rex
  2. They liked living  as loners.
  3. They are called Giganotosaurus.
  4. They used to live in groups.
  5. They were not as huge another dinosaurs

21. The bones of the dinosaurs discovered recently shows that the newly-discovered dinosaurs........

a.       are closely related to those living in North America
  1. have the same bone structure as those of foxes and dogs
  2. eat their prey in neat pieces due to the shape of their jaws
  3. lived a hundred million years earlier than other dinosaurs
  4. belong to the same family and origin as the Giganotosaurus

22. From the text we may conclude that .......

a.       the jaws of dinosaurs were shaped the same
b.      dinosaurs characteristics and way of life are different
c.       North America was the origin of all dinosaurs
d.      dinosaurs could not live together with their own kind
e.       all dinosaurs have the same bones and the same height


23.  … school, he met his old friend.

  1. Having gone
  2. To go
  3. He went
  4. He goes
  5. Going

24.  Ana : “It’s a nice experience I’ve ever got. Visiting grandma, I got a gift that I’ve been dreaming for along time.”
       Anto : “Is it a new cellphone?
       Ana : “…..secret..!
        The italicized sentence means………….

a.       When Ana visits her grand ma, she gets a gift
b.      Ana got a gift from her grandma when she was visiting her
c.       Ana’s grandma got a gift from Ana
d.      Ana and Anto got a gift when they visited Ana’s grandma
e.       Ana gets a gift but Anto doesn’t 

25. Please remind me to return the book and.......... library card.

a.       that I renew
b.      to renew
c.       I must renew
d.      renewing
e.       have to renew

26. I think you had better tell her the truth before somebody else .........

a.       can
b.      tells
c.       did
d.      does
e.       had

27. I think my mother mill be interested in reading this novel, but .......

  1. so will my father
  2. my father won't
  3. so does my father
  4. my father is not
  5. my father will he

28. "Ridwan believes that advertisements on TV is the most effective."

a.       as I do
b.      the same 1 do
c.       so do I
d.      1 do also
e.       so I do

29. Hanny became the focus of attention when she wore a colorful dress and my
 birthday party.

  1. her behavior is foolish
  2. was a fool
  3. behaved foolishly
  4. her foolishness
  5. her foolish behavior

30. I like this hotel very much, everything is so artistically arranged and ..... .

  1. good care to be given to all facilities
  2. they take good cake ofall facilities
  3. giving good care to all facilities
  4. the care of all facilities is good
  5. all facilities are well taken care of

31. The higher rate of pollution in this area is caused by the increasing number of cars as   well as by ........ .

a.       the smoke from factories are emitted
  1. the factories emit smoke
  2. the smoke which factories emitted
  3. the factory smoke is emitted
  4. the emission of the smoke from factories

32. Parliament members were troubled not only by the present political condition ........

a.       but the current socio-economic condition is also bad
b.      and so is he current socio-economic condition
c.       besides the current socio-economic condition is bad
d.      but also by the current socio-economic condition
e.       as well as the current socio-economic condition

33. Advertisement both influence people's spending habits ...... .

a.       their standard of living is also raised
b.      but also the raising of their standard of living
c.       they can raise their standard of living too
d.      and raise their standard of living
e.       as well as the raise in their standard of living

34. Angie        : Mom, I’m very tired.
      The best response to the statement is……

  1. You have a lot of work to do
  2. I must give you advice
  3. You must have got much work
  4. You’d better take a rest
  5. I should take a rest

35.  There were many victims in the crash of the train and the truck yesterday?
Are you sure?

a.                               Thank for the information
b.                              No, I disagree with you
c.                               I’m really disappointed
d.                              I’m sorry to hear that
e.                               I’m happy to hear that

36. The students are wearing traditional clothes in relation to celebrate the birth of
R.A Kartini. Anto That’s good. I am proud of their respect to R.A Kartini.
The underlined expression shows...............

a.       like

b.      pride

c.       doubt

d.      certainty

e.       possibility

37. Dony  : Excuse me. Is it all right if I sit beside you?
Rina    : With pleasure.
From the dialogue above we know that Dony asks for........

a.       apology

b.      information

c.       permission

d.      sympathy

e.       pleasure


Materi Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris

SMAN 1 Talun

Text Box: Sesion 4


Every time they see illegal logging in their area, the women and children cry out, "Where can we settle and make a living if our forests were gone?"
They are the forest people, members of the local Anak Dalam tribe, in Mangkekal (Makekal), Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi province. They have tried very hard to protect the forest zone from illegal logging operations. "Adult as well as children are fighting for the conservation of this forest," said tribal chief Tumenggung (Regent) Meriak. The national park zone is about 60,000 hectares. It is home for about 1,500 Anak Dalam. The tribesmen live in Mangkekal, Kedasung, Air hitam; and Terap.

1. The text mainly tells us about ....

a.       forest people
b.      National Park
c.       forest conservation
d.      illegal logging
e.       illegal operation

2. Who were fighting for the conservation of the forest?

a.       Members of the local Anak Dalam.
b.      Tribal chief and his partner.
c.       Women and children.
d.      Adults and children.
e.       Tribesmen.

3. The purpose of the text is ....

a.       to describe the Bukit Dua Belas National Park
b.      to persuade readers about National Park Zone
c.       to tell the readers what had happened in the forest
d.      to entertain readers with a story about Anak Dalam
e.       to inform readers about illegal logging

4. The tribesmen who are not included in the protest are from ....

a.       Terap
b.      Jambi
c.       Air hitam
d.      Kedasung
e.       Mangkekal


Solar energy is one great alternative for future energy source. It is environmentally friendly, thus making it an excellent energy source.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the sunlight which reaches the earth surface every year produces approximately 1,000 times the amount of energy produced by burning all fossil fuels mined and extracted during the same time period.
As with most renewable energy system, the initial cost of setting up these solar energy projects is quite expensive. However, the savings on electricity bills in the long-term should make up for this and year after year, the costs of this, solar energy are falling which will make it more affordable and widespread.
Solar energy will also he powering some 70,000 home and several hundred businesses in Britain soon after the government announced a f 10 million investment into photovoltaic (PV) technologies over the next three years.
Photovoltaic cells provide an unlimited supply of free power by converting the sunlight into electricity using modern semiconductor. Vast arrays of three cells will be placed on roofs and walls around the country to provide buildings with renewable source of energy for lighting, heating, and storage.
Street lighting and traffic signals can also benefit prom this power supply. Further, it reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

5. The first paragraph discusses ... .

a.       solar energy for future source of energy
b.      how to convert sunlight into electricity
c.       the amount of energy produced by sunlight
d.      the cost of setting up solar energy projects
e.       the use of modem semiconductors to produce electricity

6. From the text we know that solar energy ...

a.       does not harm environment
b.      is not a good energy source
c.       cannot be renewed
  1. is not efficient
  2. is expensive

7. Using solar energy will reduce our expenditure on…

a.       heating
b.      traffic signals
c.       street lightning
d.      electricity bills
e.       converting the sunlight


The Good Stepmother

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go.
Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. 'I  must find them," she said and set off into the forest.
Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children.
She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.
Children, I have come to save you,' she said, hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful :ping. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to hay e, and of course they lived happily ever after!
8.   The story is about a stepmother who ....

  1. cried every night
  2. planned to eat her children
  3. begged a witch for money
  4. tried to run away from a witch
  5. saved her children from a witch

9. Which statement is TRUE about the stepmother?

  1. She was the witch's friend.
  2. She loved her stepchildren.
  3. She hit the witch with a broom.
d.      She locked her children in a cage.
e.       She visited the witch to see her children.

10. The  witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door." (Paragraph 4) Ale underlined word can be replaced by the word ....

a.       closed
b.      opened
c.       painted
d.      marked
e.       polished

11. How did the witch die?

a.       She was burnt in the oven.
b.    She was trapped in a cage.
c.       She was hit with a broom.
d.      She was locked in her house
e.       She was pushed against the wall.


Ladies and Gentlemen.
Welcome to the Regent Theater. Tonight's film called "The Earth is Round" documents the experiences of a young couple as they travel around the world on a journey spanning more than five years. This film begins our week-long series in which we'll show nine different films, each depicting a unique voyage. The films runs for 90 minutes, and we invite you to join us at the end of the movie for a question and answer with the film makers.

12.  What is the text about…….

a.       Regent Theatre
b.      The Earth
c.       A Film
d.      A Voyage
e.       A Journey


Wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from the forest. The wood chipping process begins when the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a couple.
Next, the top and branches of the trees are cut out and the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill, the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper, which cut them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. At this stage, they are either exported in this form or made into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed.
Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper

13.  The text describes the process of ....

a.       cutting down the forest
b.      producing woodchips
c.       paper making
d.      wood chipping
e.       reforestation

14.What do the mill workers first do with the logs?

a.       They export the woodchips.
b.      They cut them into pieces.
c.       They roll out the paper.
d.      They remove the bark.
e.       They screen the logs.

15. "At this stage, they are either exported in this form or ..." (Paragraph 2) The underlined words refer to ....

a.       logs
b.      pulp
c.       processed pulp
d.      raw woodchips
e.       clean woodchips

16. "The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities." (Paragraph 2) In other words, they are .

a.       repaired
b.      cleaned
c.       moved
d.      removed
e.       processed


17. The books on this shelf.........are about child education, belong to my sister in law.

a.       which  of most  
b.      most of which  
c.       in which 
d.      of which  
e.       that of most

18. The number of wild horses on Assalongue ............lately, resulting in overgrazed March and June grasses .

a.       to increase 
b.      increase 
c.       is increasing  
d.      have increase 
e.       increasing

19. Mother said to our guest. "I wish you ..........leave me now.

  1. didn't have to
  2. haven't got to
  3. won't have to
  4. aren't having to
  5. weren't having to

20. "Did you get compensation for your car?" "No. I didn't. If only........... 

  1. I would insure it
  2. I had insured it
  3. I would insure it
  4. I wouldn't insure it
  5. I should insure it

21. X   : Did you come to Jane's party?
      Y   : I wish I had been there. I had a terrible headache.
      From the dialog we may conclude that the second Jane's party.

  1. didn't come                       
  2. doesn't come
  3. would come                       
  4. has come
  5. had come

22. Winda : Did you see my wallet Ranti? I lost it yesterday.
Ranti   : Sorry, I didn't.
Indah   : What did Winda ask you Ranti?
Ranti   : She asked me ...

a.       if I see her wallet.
b.      if I saw her wallet
c.       whether I saw her wallet
d.      whether I had seen her wallet
e.       whether I had seen my wallet

23. Bety : My proposal was rejected by the committee.
Nela   : It's too late. You should have submitted it last week.
The underlined sentence means that Bety ... her proposal last week.

  1. submitted
  1. didn't submit
  2. would submit
  3. shouldn't submit
  4. wanted to submit

24. Brother : Why did you only get five for your English test?
      Budi     : I didn't study hard enough.
      Brother : If you had studied hard, you ....... a better mark.

  1. got
  2. had got
  3. will get
  4. would get
  5. would have got

25. Nina       : How nice your garden, Rita ?
                 Do you water these flowers yourself ?
Almira    : Of course not.  I always ….every afternoon. Because we have a lot of activities at school.

a.       have my younger sister water them
b.      have my younger  sister to water them
c.       have them to water
d.      have watered them
e.       have to water them my younger sister

26.  Customers …. for a loan have to fill a form.

a.       applying
b.      are applying
c.       when they apply
d.      to be applied
e.       applied

27.  We promise to send you all the photos … by Arief yesterday

a.       take
b.      taking
c.       took
d.      to take
e.       taken

28.  The road …. the two village is very narrow.

a.       joined
b.      joins
c.       to be joined
d.      it’s joining
e.       joining


29. Faisal : Would you join our trip to Bali next month?
      Anto  : What a terrific idea! I really like that.
      The underlined sentence is used for .......

a.       inviting someone
b.      offering something
c.       asking for some help
d.      asking for permission
e.       asking someone's ability

30. Davit : Look, Farah. Here is a nice watch from Dick for you.
      Farah : Oh, .... It's really beautiful. Thanks.

a.       It seems annoying
b.      That sounds terrible
c.       It makes me displeased
d.      I don't think it is possible
e.       I am delighted to have it

31. Mila :Do you think we can seethe doctor next Saturday?
Wita : There's little chance of it. He usually goes out of town at weekends.
The underlined expression is used to express ....

a.   inability
b.      uncertainty
  1. displeasure
  2. disagreement
  3. impossibility

32. Tia    : Math is really difficult. Do you think we can pass our final exam?
Dika : I think it likely for us because we have practiced a lot to do some math  problems.
From the dialogue we know that Dika thinks it ....... for them to pass the final exam.

a.       hard
b.      difficult
a.       possible
b.      agreeable
c.       out of the question

33. Devi          : Hi Dewi,...........?
      Dewi         : That's very kind of you but I'm expecting my brother.

  1. shall I help you
  2. can I drive you home
  3. would you give me a lift
  4. shall I bring you a motorcycle
  5. could you tell me the way

34. Ani : Ali, you look so busy these weeks. ............  I' have nothing to do.
Ali  : Thanks. You are very kind to me.

  1. Do your job well!
  2. Will help you
  3. Can you help me?
  4. What can you do for me?
  5. Would you like to me help you?

35. John           : Would you like me to lift that box?
      Mrs. Black : Please don't bother. I can manage.
      From the underlined utterance we know that ........

a.       John refuses an offer
b.      John helps Mrs. Black
c.       Mrs. Black can't lift that box
d.      Mrs. Black refuses John's help
e.       Mrs. Black is pleased to help John.

36. Dona : Excuse, me. Do you mind if I sit here?
      Rika   :........ It's Rian's seat.

a.       Yes.
b.      No way.
c.       Not at all.
d.      Certainly not.
  1. Probably not.

37. X : Good evening, Sir. .......?
      Y : Oh, yes . I need a trolley to carry my luggage.

a.       Could you help me
b.      Would you help me
c.       Can you do me a favor
d.      Can I do something for you
e.       Would you mind helping me

38. She moves her arms awkwardly when dancing the traditional dance.
    The opposite of the underlined word is ........

  1. clumsily
  2. carefully
  3. gracefully
  4. skillfully
  5. uncomfortably

39. Academy Award of Merit or Oscar consists of several awards presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science to recognize achievement in film industry. The synonym of the underlined word is .........

  1. perform
  2. represent
  3. supervise
  4. recommend
  5. acknowledge

Materi Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris

SMAN 1 Talun

Text Box: Sesion 5

Higher Education for Women

In this modern era, there are still some parents who are reluctant about sending their daughters to college. The narrow attitude shown to women's education is largely due to the traditional role of women in society. A woman is expected to be a wife and a mother. Most parents believe that if their daughter gets married and chooses to be a housewife, then the higher education will be a waste. However, an educated woman is not only a better wife but also contributes something to the society.
Nowadays, more and more women are successfully combining their career and marriage. Educated women are richer both emotionally and financially. They are able to find an outlet for their monotonous drudgery of their housekeeping. They bring more satisfaction and contentment to their lives.
Depriving girls of higher education is crass discrimination. Times have changed; modern society needs the talents of its people regardless of gender. Today, women work alongside men. In fact, in the last few decades, women have made outstanding contributions to society.
Women should be given the freedom to be educated whether or not they get married or go to work after finishing their education, because it is only through education that a woman will find herself useful and discover what she wants in life. A woman who works is not an insult to her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her achievements since marriage is actually an equal partnership.
Therefore, parents should not think that girls should receive less education just because they will get married one day.

1. What makes parents reluctant to send their daughters to college?

a.       They think education will be a waste.
b.      More women are successful in their career.
c.       It is a waste for women to go to college.
d.      Traditional roles of women in society do not need high education.
e.       They have to contribute something to the society.       ,,

2.                  What is the main purpose of the text?
a.       To put forward a point of view or argument about higher education for woman
b.      To tell the parents in this modern era about how to educate their daughters
c.       To persuade readers about what should or should not do about education
d.      To explain readers about how to give education to their daughters
e.       To describe the facts how some parents educate their daughters
3.  Modern society needs….

a.       Educated career women
b.      Married women
c.       Educated women
d.      Good housewives and mothers
e.       Talented people regardless gender

4.  ……women have made outstanding contribution…(paragraph 3)
The synonym of the underlined word is….

a.       Main
b.      Major
c.       Ordinary
d.      Well known
e.       Remarkable


Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Don't be hasty. There are many things to consider. Be reasonable before waking a decision.
      First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be, "Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?”
Then you should make a choke be the type of the mobile phone. There are various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have to pay more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore you mould only use the mobile phone only for important talks.

5.  What is the text about?

a.       The various types of mobile phones
  1. How to use mobile phone effectively.
c.       The advantages of using a mobile phone.
  1. The consequences of using mobile phone.
  2. Things to consider before buying a mobile phone.

6.   According to the text which of the following is NOT TRUE about a mobile phone?

a.      Expensive
b.     Prestigious­
c.      Economical
d.     Easy to carry
e.      Practical

7.  Which of the following is the most important thing to consider before buying a mobile phone?

a.       The type
b.      The price
c.       Your choice
d.      Your money
e.       You­r prestige


Monday's tsunami along the southern coast of Java has caused devastating losses that are still being counted. Traumatized survivors, many camped out in the hills far from the shore line, are living in fear that another earthquake would trigger another wave of destruction.
The earthquake which triggered a tsunami wiped out the beach resorts and fishing villages along the southern coast of Java. The meteorology and geophysics agency (BMG) said that the Wednesday's earthquake measured 6.2 on the Richter Scale.
Its epicenter was 48 kilometres below the sea level. BMG official, Weni, said the areas on the west coast of West Java and Banten, as well as those in the the south coast of Lampung, were at risk of being hit by a tsunami. However, the possibility of a tsunami was quickly discounted by other agencies.

8. The news is about ....
a.       the victims of a tsunami
b.      the possible risks of tsunamis in Banten and Lampung
c.       the tsunami in the south-western part of Indonesia
d.      the disaster caused by the tsunami in the southern coast of Java
e.       the tsunami survivors in Java

9. The words below are associated with the suffering of the victims, EXCEPT  ...

  1. fear
b.      trauma
c.       losses
d.      trigger
e.       destruction

10. "Monday's tsunami along the southern coast of Java caused devastating losses ..." (Paragraph 1;
The underlined word may be replaced by ..

a.       stressful
b.      injuring
c.       destructive
d.      harming
e.       fearful

11. Where did the tsunami happen?

a.       In Banten.
b.      In Jakarta.
c.       In the southern coast of Java.
d.      In the south coast of Lampung.
e.       In the west coast of west Java.

The Prambanan Temple

One of the most popular artifacts in Indonesia is the Prambanan, a complex of temples which was built in 825 A.D. The central part of the Prambanan complex consists of three main shrines dedicated to the gods of Trimurti.
The temple of Siva stands in the center, that of Vishnu on the north, and that of Brahma on the south. In front of each of these main temples stands another smaller temple, constructed to contain a statue of the mouth of each god. This ensemble is completed by two annexes, the "Candi Apit" or `flanking temples', and nine small shrines to shelter the stones demarcating the compound within which the temple complex stands.

12. What is the second paragraph about?

a.       The three main shrines in Prambanan.
b.      The position of the main temples.
c.       The Visnu's temple's position.
d.      Brahma's temple's position.
e.       The temple of Siva.

13. Excluding the annexes, how many shrines are there in the Prambanan Temple'?

a.       3
b.      6
c.       9
d.      1
e.       2

14. What shelters the stones demarcating the compound?

a.       The candi Apit.
b.      The flanking temples.
c.       The nine small shrines.
d.            Candi Apit and the flanking temples.
e.             Candi Apit and the nine small shrines.

"Multicultural Education of Indonesia in Surabaya is proud to present Ms. Jane Batubara, a well-known educator and researcher in multiculturalism. She was appointed Principal of Jasmine International School in 1999, and since then she has conducted many studies on multiculturalism in formal education. Ms. Batubara will be in Surabaya on the 1st  and 2nd of August 2005 to talk on "Multicultural Education for the Youth "
During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to:
a.             obtain a wholly approach to multicultural education
b.            teach the youth to appreciate differences
Registration fur the talk is FREE
Please call Kina at ((?31) 71563? far seat reservation.
15. The  text aims to ....

a.       conduct multicultural studies
b.      Introduce multicultural education
c.       promote Jasmine International School
d.      provide information about multiculturalism
e.       invite as many participants as possible to; a seminar

16. Which is NOT TRUE about Ms. Jane Batubara'?

a.    She is an event organizer.
b.      She is a school principal.
c.       She is a researcher.
d.      She is an educator.
e.       She is a speaker.

17. "During the talk, the participants will be provided with information on how to..”
The underlined word can be replaced by ....

a.    granted
b.    supplied
c.    arranged
d.   presented
e.    contributed


18. Tom  : I can't come to your party, Linda.
Adith : What did he say?
Linda : He said that ....

a.       he couldn't come to my party.
b.      he doesn't come to my party.
c.       he didn't come to my party.
d.      he won't come to my party.
e.       he can't come to my party.

19. . Teacher    : Who knows why Dito is absent today?
Stephanie  : He got an accident when he ...his motorcycle to school.

d.      rides
e.       has ridden
  1. had ridden
  2. was riding
  3. has been riding

20. Anton : I heard that you were offered a job as a teller. Are you going to take it?
      Ari      : I don't think so, the salary is very low.
      Anton : If I were you, I ... it. I think it's better to have a job than being unemployed.

  1. would have taken
  2. would take
  3. will take
  4. shall take
  5. can take

21. Dimas        : I will continue my study at Harvard University. What about you?
      Galih         : Well. I think I will continue my study at the university in this town …... my parents are not able to support me to study abroad.

  1. and
  2. since
  3. while
  4. however
  5. moreover

22. X   : I am really proud of Jim.
      Y   : Why? .......... he is clever, he is not arrogant

  1. In spite of
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. Since
  5. If           

23. X : You look so sad. What happens to you?
      Y : I wish I could attend the seminar held by the International school.
      From the dialogue we know that the second speaker …... go to the seminar.

  1. hopes to
  2. wants to         
  3. could
  4. can't
  5. will

24. After the ...........he will leave for the mountains


25. Edo   : I got an accident, because the brake of my car didn't function well.
      Aldo : You should have checked it before you drove away.
      The underlined utterance means ....
  1. Edo does not check the brake
  2. Edo would check the brake
  3. Edo didn't check the brake
  4. Edo has checked the brake
  5. Edo checked the brake

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